The STEM TEchie

Spark creativity and ignite a love for learning through STEM activities for kids!

Pre-k-6th Hands-on activity ideas

Resources for Instructors

differentiation strategies for learning

STEM activities are for your kid if ….you struggle to get them interested in learning.

STEM activities are for your kid if… they tend to shut down with learning.

STEM activities are for your kid if… they are looking for a hands-on challenge to apply STEM skills to real-world problems.

Instructor Resources

Resources to give you the confidence to teach hands-on STEM activities for Pre-K-6th grade.

Children’s Books

STEM is for everyone.

STEM Thinking: Empowering Kids to Solve Problems, Innovate, and Succeed.

Who is the STEM Techie?

Dr. Amy, a trailblazer in STEM education, has dedicated her career to democratizing STEM learning, making it accessible to all learners. With a Ph.D. in teacher education, she has successfully integrated technology and STEM into K-8 classrooms. She is known as @theSTEMtechie on social media, and she offers resources for anyone interested in inspiring young minds through STEM and technology learning through courses, guides, and activity ideas.

Dr. Amy

The STEM Techie

How do I sign up?

Please sign up for the STEM Techie email list to share how Dr. Amy can help create engaging and hands-on STEM activities for Pre-K-6th grades.

What if I can’t find the STEM resource I need?

Simply reach out to Dr. Amy at [email protected] to discuss this further!

Where can I find more information?

Follow Dr. Amy on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube for activity ideas at @theSTEMtechie.

No more debating between learning and hands-on fun. STEM learning has it all!

building critical skills

content learning for all ages